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Do, 03.04.2025 um 20:00

A Love Electric – Presenting „Live in Italy : Genoa 2024“ | Villa For Forest

A Love Electric (Mexico City)
Psychedelia, surf, obtuse spoken word and groove meet for an unforgettable trip with this Mexico City throwback power trio led by Todd Clouser (guitar/voice). Think Band of Gypsys meets Kerouac on a beach in Mexico.

Presenting "Live in Italy : Genoa 2024".
Eintritt: 26 | 11 €

Todd Clouser - guitar, voice
Aarón Cruz - bass
Jorge Servín - drums
And our Special Guest is: Alberto N.A. Turra - guitar

Special Guests on select dates - Alberto N.A. Turra - guitar, Lisa Hofmaninger - sax/bass clarinet, Norbert Bürger - guitar
“A savage guitarist, a ruthless drummer, an enormous bassist” - Vive Latino, MX City
“Fuzzed out guitars and acid rock” - Time Out NYC
Di, 08.04.2025 um 19:30

TACO TUESDAY Ladies On Stage | Villa For Forest

Join us for TACO TUESDAY!!!! The FUNKIEST PARTY in KLAGENFURT!!! Once a month, host Rob Bargad presents the Taco Tuesday Singers Crew & House Band, made up of GMPU students, playing a funky live music set. Check the schedule for special guest appearances. And as always, Rob's TACOS provide delicious accompaniment to a great evening.

Featuring the music of Meshell NdegeOcello
Urska Supej - Guitar
Sarah Pletschko - Drums
Anudari Ulzibat - Bass
Kaya Meller - Trumpet
Ajda Cvek - Violin
Ana Laura Velaquez-Dominguez - Cello
Marion Stimpfl - Vocal
Spela Došler - Vocal
Veronika Brunec - Vocal
TBA - Piano
09.04.2025 19:00 bis 27.04.2025 20:00

Ausstellung – Grafik von Meisterhand | M Lassnig, G Brus, H Nitsch, A Rainer | Villa For Forest

Klagenfurt und Graz rücken näher zusammen. Freigabe der Koralmbahn im Dezember 2025.
Daher möchten wir uns in der Kärntner Landeshauptstadt vorstellen.
Galerie Sommer - www.galeriesommer.com & Galerie Bachlechner - www.galeriebachlechner.com
Galerien für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Wiener Aktionismus und Art Brut
Im Konzertraum: JÖRG KÖCK aus Oschenitzen bei Völkermarkt, verstorben 2014.

Eröffnet wird die Ausstellung mit einer Vernissage am 9. April um 19 Uhr in der Villa For Forest in Klagenfurt, Viktringer Ring 21.
Dauer der Ausstellung 10. - 27. April
Besuchszeiten Mittwoch und Donnerstag 16 - 19 Uhr oder nach Vereinbarung unter +43 650 99 08 722
(Bild: Maria Lassnig)
Darunter: Arnulf Rainer, Günter Brus, Hermann Nitsch
Di, 29.04.2025 um 20:00

4th Annual GMPU JAZZ PIANO FESTIVAL | Villa For Forest

4th Annual GMPU

4 Jazz pianists will perform 30 min. each - solo and with GMPU house rhythm section, Klemens Marktl & Philipp Zarfl. This year we present Danny Grissett (USA), Matyas Bartha (Hungary), Sava Miletić (Serbia) and GMPU's own Rob Bargad (USA). The next morning at GMPU, Rob Bargad will moderate a panel discussion and masterclass with the 3 guest pianists. GMPU Jazz piano students will play and get feedback as well.

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