VIPAVA-Tal | Weinverkostung – Villa For Forest

Datum: Mo, 17.06.2019 um 18:30
Veranstalter: Villa For Forest / Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: Viktringer Ring 21, Klagenfurt

Die Winzer:
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Wines from Sveti Martin are not something new, created from nothing. They are wines that have
told stories for generations and they please those who trust them. We are committed to creating
wines that please your senses…but most of all your soul.
Rather than chasing new trends, our priority is preserving the individuality of our wines, which truly
express their terroir and origin.

Peter Stegovec bought a piece of land in Sveti Martin around 1880 and started a long family tradition
of winegrowing and winemaking. Today, the house is still called “Pri Petrovih” (Peter’s family house).
Peter was a well-read man who had obtained a permit to open a wine shop in Trieste at the end of
the 19century.
His son Franc and grandson Stojan followed his footsteps However they both died young and, despite
great plans, were not able to expand the estate.

Stojan’s son Boris and his wife Boža were finally able to bring the families love and plans for the land
to fruition. Through the years, they managed to expand the family estate, where the wines of
Stegovec family thrive with great pride.
And, to close the family circle, Boris’ son Peter Stegovec, the fifth generation of the Stegovec family
in Sveti Martin, now manages the estate. He believes in the tradition of Sveti Martin and is therefore
well-suited to preserving “Pri Petrovih”.

Wine celllar MIŠKA
Discover the secrets of Miška wines. The indigenous and local varieties such as Pinela, Zelèn, Ribolla and Barbera are produced in exclusive small quantities. The cosily furnished tasting room offers enough space for 60 people. Wine cellar Miska is located in Erzelj, a village in the Upper Vipava Valley in Slovenia.


First vineyards of Strata were planted in 1950s just to have some noble drink in the house. Though the quantities weren´t plenty, the winemaker Leopold quickly became known to have the best wine in the area. He obviously had the right touch which pushed him forward to longlasting committment. His philosophy was always connected with nature. The wine was kept in wooden barrels with as little added sulphur as possible. Yeasts of course came from the oaks, where they slept through the winter. And the wine was good…

When his hands became too tired to prune the vines and nurture the soil, Alojzij, the youngest of his six children came to help. 90` were already different times, but despite his four children and a full-time job, Alojzij managed to follow the legacy of Leopold. The biggest of help was his acquisition of inox tanks. And the wine was even better…

Another milestone happened a few years after millenium. Alojzij`s family always helped him in the harvest but his second child Andrej always had some new ideas concerning the winemaking technologies. Alojzij thought this through and decided, that it was the time to let the young birds fly. As from 2006 vintage Andrej was in full control. Similar to his grandfather Leopold; it turned out that he enharited the love and the touch. And the wine…well, he will pour the glass with a smile…then you will decide.

The Strata cellar and vineyards are still in the boutique range. Andrej is giuding the wines through prolonged maceration to barrels where they rest to reach their peak.  The cellar holds different sorts of wine. Reds are the Rose wine, Barbera, Merlot and Refošk, whites,  the Rebula, Malvazija and a little bit of Riezling.

The Strata cellar and its vineyards are located in Vipava valley –  on the slopes of mount Čaven.


am Fr, 20.09.2024 um 18:00

Jubiläumausstellung | Heidi Falk-Koller | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt Jubiläumsausstellung: VON EINER DIE AUSZOG SICH EINE EIGENE WELT ZU MALEN
Vernissage, Ausstellung und Katalog-Präsentation von Heidi Falk-Koller am 20.September 2024 mit einleitenden Worten von LH Peter Kaiser.
Moderation: Ulli Sturm
Musik: Ramon Miles

„Die Kärntner Künstlerin Heidi Falk-Koller beschäftigt sich beruflich seit Langem mit Methoden der Lebensbewältigung, mit menschlichen Stärken und Schwächen. Diese Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen, denen sie mit Empirie und Spiritualität begegnet, übersetzt sie in Ihre Malerei und begibt sich mit immer neu gemalten Szenarien auf eine lustvolle Reise ins Unbekannte und Unterbewusste. Und weit - im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes - hat sie dieser Weg mit Ihrer Kunst auch schon gebracht, denn im Juni 2023 sind ihre Arbeiten - als eine von zwei Vertreter*innen der österreichischen Gegenwartsmalerei - im renommierten Archive Art Museum in Beijing, in China mit großem Erfolg zu sehen gewesen.
Eigenwillig und eindrucksvoll sind ihre expressiven Bilder, mit denen sie seit Jahren fantastische Geschichten rund um die menschliche Figur, um Wirklichkeit und Fiktion erzählt. Ihre Motive fordern die Betrachter*innen heraus sich auf Neues einzulassen und laden sie auf eine Reise voller Imagination und Emotion ein“. Ulli Sturm, kunstbüro kärnten.

Vernissage: 20.September 2024 18:00 Uhr
Dauer der Ausstellung: 21.-22-September 2024 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
am Sa, 28.09.2024 um 20:00

Drakula – Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, Klagenfurt Autor:innen / Avtorja: Yea (Tea Kovše and Yves Brägger)
Puppenanimation / Lutkovna animacija: Tea Kovše
Gesang, Sopran / Operno petje, soprano: Mateja Potočnik
Schauspiel, Technik und Licht / Igra, tehnika in luč: Yves Brägger
Bett und Rollstuhl / Postelja, invalidski voziček: Kamran Gharabaghi
Spezieller Dank / Hvala: Kristina Kovše & Dejan Stropnik
Fotocredit: Uroš Zavodnik
Reservierung/Rezervacije - Eintritt 20 €: oder +43 (0) 699 - 120 - 887 - 70
am Mi, 02.10.2024 um 19:30

“Begierde und Fahrerlaubnis” von Elfriede Jelinek | Birgit Fuchs | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt Bildstarkes und intensives Schauspiel einer Solokünstlerin.

Im Alleingang hat sich Birgit Fuchs dem wortgewaltigen und bisher kaum aufgeführten Werk “Begierde und Fahrerlaubnis” von Elfriede Jelinek intensiv gewidmet. Das Ergebnis ist ein eindringliches Solotheater mit performativen Elementen, das es ermöglicht einen Jelinektext über weibliche Lust und die Gedanken und Empfindungen einer Frau auf sich
wirken zu lassen.

Eintritt: Freiwillige Spende!!
Reservierungen per Email an und per SMS an +43 660 2303282

©Markus Plattner