Magic Pond feat. Andrej Toplišek – Bathing Season CD Release – Villa For Forest

Datum: Di, 07.06.2022 um 20:00
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, Klagenfurt

Klara Veteršek - vocal, flute
Gregor Skaza - saxophones
Janez Pincolič - bassoon
Anže Vrabec - Keyboards
Janez Krevel - Bass
Matic Ašič - Guitar
Matjaž Skaza - Drums
Special Guest Andrej Toplišek - Trumpet
Eintritt: € 16 | € 9 StudentInnen, SchülerInnen, unter 18
(1 € aller Tickets ist für den Betrieb der Villa For Forest !! - Grössere Spenden: HERZLICH WILLKOMMEN)

Magic Pond is a group of musicians that have been creating music together for a number of years. In the process they have bonded strongly, in the sense of music and also friendship.

Their shared music path began while they were studying music at the conservatorium in Klagenfurt, Austria, and they connected over their shared love of jazz and its many sub genres. They are planning to release their debut album this summer, a collection of eight varied pieces they have chosen to entitle ‚Bathing Season‘. These songs strive to express everyday experiences, feelings, stories that are not exactly stories but, as music itself, something more abstract. They are inspired by themes of relationships between people and the feelings that are born from their interactions. As such, the arrangements are a fruit of their shared musicianship and their individual experiences.
Their music is different, as soundwise it feels like a return to the traditional characteristics of jazz, while the musicians color it with a more modern form and harmony. They enjoy a ‚live‘ sound, and let themselves be carried by their momentary inspirations within improvisation.
Here are also links to our two singles.


am Mo, 24.02.2025 um 18:00

„low light use flash“ Karin Prevedel | Vernissage | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Die analoge Foto-Ausstellung "low light use flash" von Karin Prevedel zeigt Persönlichkeiten der Kulturszene aus Österreich.

Zur Eröffnung erwarten Euch kurze Performances von Anna Russegger, Daniel Bierdümpfl, Fudge Summer, Gizem Kus und Karin Prevedel, Reverend Stomp/Duo, Odysseas Manidakis, Stefan Bogensberger

Zum Ausklingen des Abends sind alle Musiker*innen zu einer Jam-Session eingeladen!

Für mehr Infos zur Person und Performances hineinklicken!