THOMAS LEEB in concert – 20.00

Datum: Mi, 21.03.2012
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: raj, Badgasse 7, 9020 Klagenfurt

Eintritt: 10 €, ermässigt 8 €

Thomas Leeb picked up the guitar for the same reason as every
thirteen-year-old boy: he wanted to meet girls. He soon fell in love
with the instrument, played his first solo concert at the age of fifteen
and released his first acoustic guitar album at seventeen.

Leeb is a frequent performer at concerts and festivals in Asia, the
Americas and Europe and has been featured in numerous guitar magazines
all over the world. Every year, he teaches workshops and master classes
in universities and colleges and his album „Desert Pirate” was voted
one of the essential albums of the last twenty years by Acoustic Guitar

His peculiar guitar style owes as much to percussive techniques as
traditional fingerstyle guitar. What sets Thomas Leeb apart from some of
his contemporaries is his ability to make pyrotechnics serve the music
and three years studying West African traditional music give him a sense
of timing and groove that is unusual in a guitarist.
All this has earned him a loyal world-wide following and influential
fans such as Eric Roche who was his guitar teacher, „for about five
minutes and then I heard him play”, Jon Gomm awarded him „ten out of ten
Gomms” and Guthrie Govan who thinks that „what Thomas does on an
acoustic guitar probably shouldn’t be legal.”
