TACO TUESDAY feat. Hauptman | Villa For Forest

Datum: Di, 11.03.2025 um 19:30
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur & Rob Bargad
Ort: Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt

Join us for TACO TUESDAY!!!! The FUNKIEST PARTY in KLAGENFURT!!! Once a month, host Rob Bargad presents the Taco Tuesday Singers Crew & House Band, made up of GMPU students, playing a funky live music set. Check the schedule for special guest appearances. And as always, Rob's TACOS provide delicious accompaniment to a great evening.

Hauptman’s music combines elements of soul, jazz, and R&B wrapped in pop tones.
After completing studies at Kärntner Landeskonservatorium in Klagenfurt, Hauptman eventually released his well-received debut album Finished, Not Perfect, in 2021, produced with a band and recorded in English. A year later, he presented himself singing in Slovenian for the first time. The song „Sledim“ became the most-played track of the year on Val 202. „The positive feedback encouraged me. I probably stuck with English because it was easier to start with. I was less critical of expressions that often sound too cheesy in Slovenian. I had to find my way of writing in Slovenian—how pronounce the words and phrase them so they would sound right and make sense. In doing so, I also enriched my overall sound; now there’s much more of Žan in it,” he explains.

His entire second album Blizu was recorded in his native language. But that’s not the only difference compared to the debut. „I moved from a band sound to a more electronic one. The album’s sound designwas created by my very good friend, producer Erik Asatrian. It might seem like an unusual choice, but I like it, and I stand by it.”


übermorgen um 18:00

„low light use flash“ Karin Prevedel | Vernissage | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Die analoge Foto-Ausstellung "low light use flash" von Karin Prevedel zeigt Persönlichkeiten der Kulturszene aus Österreich.

Zur Eröffnung erwarten Euch kurze Performances von Anna Russegger, Daniel Bierdümpfl, Fudge Summer, Gizem Kus und Karin Prevedel, Reverend Stomp/Duo, Odysseas Manidakis, Stefan Bogensberger

Zum Ausklingen des Abends sind alle Musiker*innen zu einer Jam-Session eingeladen!

Für mehr Infos zur Person und Performances hineinklicken!
am Sa, 01.03.2025 um 21:00

FASCHINGSPARTY – inspired by SOUND OF MUSIC | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt Es geht um die Angst vor dem Fremden, dem Ungesehenen, dem Unvorstellbaren und dem Ungehörten. Es geht um Anpassung, Annäherung und Zusammenhalt.
Wir laden Österreicher*innen ein, sich der Angst zu stellen, und wir laden Nicht-Österreicher*innen ein, diese Angst zu relativieren, bzw. Ihren Ängsten einen Ausdruck zu geben.
Kommt in Eurer brauchtümlichen Kleidung, wir sagen meist Tracht dazu, aber kommt, wenn es Euch genehm ist, verkleidet, wobei natürlich Unverkleidete auch herzlich willkommen sind.

Eintritt: 5 €
Willkommensgetränk, um BLAU zu werden, ist dabei.
Weltmusik on turntables von DJ Ludwig