Datum: Sa, 14.02.2004
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: cik@Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt

On our way to a new CD:

Agnes Heginger_voc
Julian Argüelles_sax
Reini Winkler_drums
Christian Weber_bass
Stefan Heckel_piano

The Stefan Heckel Group was founded in 1995 after an inspiring summer workshop at the Banff Centre for the Arts/Canada. The ensemble has been performing regularly since and has now released the first CD entitled „Horch“ (which is German for „Listen !“). Stefan Heckel comes from jazz + classical music, traditional alpine folk and Eastern European music. These backgrounds and a two year long experience of multicultural London life fuelled the realization of the recording project with his band. The result is a set of original compositions and improvisations with colourful melodies emerging from a soundfully generated bed of modal harmony.

TOUR 2003
The Stefan Heckel Group has recently toured Austria with a new programme. A second CD is about to be recorded. While you wait for it (click our homepage below), listen to some of our latest music, recorded live at the PORGY&BESS Jazz Club in Vienna on Jan7th 2003. The line up is Julian Argüelles /sax, Christian Weber /bass, Reinhard Winkler /drums and Stefan Heckel /piano.
