Shaun Banks | Double Concert | Villa For Forest

Datum: Sa, 08.03.2025 um 21:00
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur & Sajeta Arts&Music Festival
Ort: Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt


2. Set - 21:00 Uhr
Shaun Banks

Eintritt (beide Konzerte): 15 € (Männer) | 10 € (Frauen*)

Shaun Banks is a one-man band artist, who’s based in the 500-year-old mining town of Idrija, Slovenia. His music is fueled by punk rock energy and is fused in a garage with the soul and groove of blues. Shaped by the town’s industrial and rural environment, Banks takes his fans on a journey through his energetic craftsmanship, heavily influenced by The White Stripes, The Black Keys, and Robert Johnson. Playing guitar and foot drums simultaneously, accompanied by his powerful and colorful voice with bluesy harmonica fills makes for a great, live show. Growing up and living in a town that was a cradle to great Slovenian artists such as Kuzle, Zablujena Generacija and many others it’s no wonder Banks picked up a guitar early in his teens. He started gaining stage experience at many local venues in a once-popular punk band Šundr (Noise), which he co-founded. As a one-man band, he quickly gained more experience at local and bigger regional venues (MKNŽ Ilirska Bistrica, Swenak Idrija, Galerija SDK Tolmin, Mladinski Center Idrija, Kulturni Center Rogaška Slatina, Bus Bar Idrija, ŠKUC Ljubljana, Pri Rdeči Ostrigi Škofja Loka, Hotel Kempinski Portorož, Center Mladih Koper). He also performed at various festivals such as Čipkarija, Monošus, Dobimo se pred ŠKUCem, In Memoriam Peter Hafner Festival, and Mlada parada. His recorded discography currently contains 6 singles: “What Are You Looking For, Little Birdie, Nonina Kemija, Red Pill, Cockroach and Who Do You Think You Are“ with some of them also being featured on Radio Študent, Radio Prlek and in newspaper Idrijske Novice. In September 2020, he was invited by band KuZle to be a part of their 40th year anniversary LP compilation “Naredte revolucijo za KuZle gre“ where he rerecorded one of their songs. The compilation was released by the Slovenian national record label RTV Slovenija in collaboration with the national radio station Val 202. Banks is currently working on releasing new singles along with a 2nd vinyl singles collection. He is also planning to release a new album by the end of the year.

-> Zum ersten Set <-


am Mo, 24.02.2025 um 18:00

„low light use flash“ Karin Prevedel | Vernissage | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Die analoge Foto-Ausstellung "low light use flash" von Karin Prevedel zeigt Persönlichkeiten der Kulturszene aus Österreich.

Zur Eröffnung erwarten Euch kurze Performances von Anna Russegger, Daniel Bierdümpfl, Fudge Summer, Gizem Kus und Karin Prevedel, Reverend Stomp/Duo, Odysseas Manidakis, Stefan Bogensberger

Zum Ausklingen des Abends sind alle Musiker*innen zu einer Jam-Session eingeladen!

Für mehr Infos zur Person und Performances hineinklicken!
am Sa, 01.03.2025 um 21:00

FASCHINGSPARTY – inspired by SOUND OF MUSIC | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt Es geht um die Angst vor dem Fremden, dem Ungesehenen, dem Unvorstellbaren und dem Ungehörten. Es geht um Anpassung, Annäherung und Zusammenhalt.
Wir laden Österreicher*innen ein, sich der Angst zu stellen, und wir laden Nicht-Österreicher*innen ein, diese Angst zu relativieren, bzw. Ihren Ängsten einen Ausdruck zu geben.
Kommt in Eurer brauchtümlichen Kleidung, wir sagen meist Tracht dazu, aber kommt, wenn es Euch genehm ist, verkleidet, wobei natürlich Unverkleidete auch herzlich willkommen sind.

Eintritt: 5 €
Willkommensgetränk, um BLAU zu werden, ist dabei.
Weltmusik on turntables von DJ Ludwig