Sangoma Session #15 w/KASCHIEL

Datum: Fr, 01.06.2018 um 20:00
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: New Amsterdam Bar (raj), Badgasse 7, Klagenfurt

this is a party based on mutual respect and transcultural love!

we are oficially introducing the carinthian summer season with SESSION #15 which will be the last regular SANGOMA for the time being.. time to say goodbye for an uncertain while as our crew will move on to new destinations after this summer.. lets come together once more for a night of tropical heat, ritual dancing and quality sounds from around the world!

for this occasion we have invited another superb guest with an eclectic taste in music: KASCHIEL is part of the ͏c͏a͏n͏d͏o͏m͏b͏lé collective and label which operates out of düsseldorf. the german city can be seen as the cradle of electronic dance music as the infamous kraftwerk are originating from there as well.. till its present it is an important place for art and music and home of the extraordinaire club Salon des Amateurs with residents like toulouse low trax, jan schulte, lena willikens or vladimir ivkovic.. the candomblé boys are the latest generation of free-minded dancefloor-selectors with an open heart for the obscure and unexpected. KASCHIEL’s Dj-sets and regular radioshows on Callshop Radio showcase his sensitive grasp for the combination of vintage and contemporary music from around the globe, which mingle to a very surprising and personal conception of modern dance music.
so get ready for another lesson in our favorite subject sound- time and space (STS)!

acoustic companionship by your loyal SANGOMA-residents DJ MIXNIXand Pekave


this is a party based on mutual respect and transcultural love!


am Sa, 01.03.2025 um 21:00

FASCHINGSPARTY – inspired by SOUND OF MUSIC | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt Es geht um die Angst vor dem Fremden, dem Ungesehenen, dem Unvorstellbaren und dem Ungehörten. Es geht um Anpassung, Annäherung und Zusammenhalt.
Wir laden Österreicher*innen ein, sich der Angst zu stellen, und wir laden Nicht-Österreicher*innen ein, diese Angst zu relativieren, bzw. Ihren Ängsten einen Ausdruck zu geben.
Kommt in Eurer brauchtümlichen Kleidung, wir sagen meist Tracht dazu, aber kommt, wenn es Euch genehm ist, verkleidet, wobei natürlich Unverkleidete auch herzlich willkommen sind.

Eintritt: 5 €
Willkommensgetränk, um BLAU zu werden, ist dabei.
Weltmusik on turntables von DJ Ludwig und DJ Mark