Philipp´s Special Tuesday feat. Georgios Tsolis – NICHT ABGESAGT !

Datum: Di, 13.11.2018 um 20:00
Veranstalter: Dark City Ve + Ve Innenhofkultur
Ort: raum 8, 8. Maistrasse 28, Klagenfurt

Philipp´s Special Tuesday (Tsolis/Zarfl/Marktl) im raum 8, in der 8. Mai Strasse 28 IST NICHT ABGESAGT, da über Nacht eine kurzfristige Genehmigung der Stadt vorliegt.
Dem Verein Innenhofkultur tut es sehr leid, dass auf Grund der negativen Entwicklungen mit dem raj in der Badgasse solche Situationen entstehen, die weder im Interesse der KünstlerInnen, noch im Interesse der KulturliebhaberInnen sind. Es entstehen zusätzliche Kosten, zusätzlicher Organisationsaufwand und Verwirrung und Unsicherheit bei BesucherInnen und KünstlerInnen.
Trotzdem: Georgios Tsolis - piano | Philipp Zarfl - bass | Klemens Marktl - drums

Georgios Tsolis is a greek jazz pianist, arranger, and composer that was born and raised in the island of Kefalonia western Greece, currently living in the Hague the Netherlands. He is an active jazz performer since 2005 both in the Greek and Dutch jazz scene. He studied at the royal conservatory of the Hague and he holds a bachelors and masters diploma in jazz piano performance.

He is mainly performing with small groups and most of his personal work refers to jazz piano trios. As a bandleader, he participated in many jazz festivals in Greece and Holland with his trio performing his original compositions. He has received very good Reviews from both Greek and Dutch magazines and newspapers for his performances as well as his first personal album. His diverse musical background from classical, to traditional Greek music from Latin to free improvisation, his conservatory years studying the tradition of jazz,  and Influences from masters like Chick Corea and Herbie Hancock meet all together in his music.

 A constant quest for oneself as the key to continuous progress is a view of life for Georgios and music is his vehicle to this quest. “ I improve my self as a person along with my music „

 “daring to diverge” is an expression of creativity for him. His idea of structured and well-executed arrangements coexisting with the freedom of spontaneous improvisation sets the main direction at his musical search. As a performer, He likes often to go out of his comfort zone trying new ideas and techniques. Interactive performance and collectivity in the improvisations are what he asks from his bandmates. As a composer, he tends to experiment with the “ expansion “ of the traditional harmony and forms. He aims for strong and narrative melodies that they can “dress” his idea about harmony, form, and improvisation at his compositions.

With great respect to the jazz tradition he eager to carry on the sound of jazz with his own point of view to the nowadays.


am Sa, 11.01.2025 um 19:00

Neujahrsjazz im MMKK

MMKK, Burggasse 8, 9020 Klagenfurt Alle Jahre wieder: EXTRA3 - das Trio mit Karen Asatrian am Klavier, Michael Malicha am Kontrabass und Emil Krištof am Schlagzeug
heißen das Neue Jahr musikalisch willkommen. Für eine entspannte Atmosphäre im künstlerisch anregenden Ambiente des MMKK sorgt
diesmal Saxophonist und Flötist Wolfgang Puschnig. Davor empfiehlt sich ein Besuch der Ausstellung »real : abstrakt« mit Richard Kaplenig und Julian Taupe.
Willkommen! Dobrosošli! Benvenuti!
Eintritt: € 20,– (Vorverkauf im MMKK ab November 2024. Begrenztes Kartenkontingent!)