MUTHSPIEL_PENMAN_BLADE + quinton records

Datum: Mo, 17.05.2004
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: cik@künstlerhaus.klagenfurt

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Quinton Records präsentiert sich:

Air, Love & Vitamins Tour 2004

Wolfgang Muthspiel_guitar
Matt Penman_double bass
Brian Blade_drums

On this tour WolfgangMuthspiel will promote his new record called “Air, Love & Vitamins” (release May 2004). The Tour starts on May 10th in London end ends on May 20th in Vienna.

About the album “Love, Air & Vitamins”

the air…

Wolfgang Muthspiel, Marc Johnson, Brian Blade. The lineup already sounds like the Who Is Who of jazz. But more than this – this is a really exciting trio. Not often you will find a small group that can sound so rich and intimate at the same time.

“Air, Love & Vitamins”, the new album of the trio, is the successor to their highly respected record “Real Book Stories”, an album of well known jazz standards. The tunes on this new album differ: Modern compositions of today’s composers, and a few originals of Wolfgang Muthspiel, too. They vary from slow ballads with a somewhat folk music reminding song writing quality like Vince Mendoza’s “Panis Angelicus” to hard swinging, even rocking tunes like Wolfgang Muthspiel’s “After 6” to free improvisations on Carla Bley’s “Floater”. But this is not just a collection of single tunes, no. It is a real “album” thanks to the way the tunes are played: Open, fresh, with a lot of air around every tune, which makes it a real joy to dig deep into the music.

… about love…
Today the big challenge for way to many musicians in jazz seems to be to invent something completely new. And then in the end the music turns out not to be new at all, in most cases. Or they try to copy the big names of old days. Just few dare to try and find their own, personal way. And even more rare to find would be a group with it’s own style. Well: Here it is. Three musicians who just love to play jazz, who just love to improvise, who love to experience the music. Not as three single “jazz stars”, but as a band where everybody really enjoys listening to the others, too. This trio really has three centre points.

… and all the vitamins!
All this could be anaemic without the right sound. But Wolfgang Muthspiel, Marc Johnson and Brian Blade bring in a lot of vitamins to this excellent jazz diner. The singing heritage guitar of Wolfgang Muthspiel or the rich acoustic sound of his framework guitars. The warm, gentle sound of Marc Johnson’s double bass, and Brian Blade’s spectrum of playing, ranging from soft and melodic to very heavy and impulsive. That’s the flavour of the vitamins we like, if life is supposed to go the really healthy way!

On tour instead of Marc Johnson is the young, but nevertheless already well-known bass player Matt Penman.

about the musicians

WOLFGANG MUTHSPIEL: Born in Judenburg (Styria) in Austria in 1965. Spends most of his time in New York. Aged 38, he can look back on a broad span of musical activities. Despite his exceptional guitar technique, it is his musical qualities that are foremost acknowledged in the world. Among his inspiration, he mentions Olivier Messiaen, Bach and Glenn Gould as well as Miles Davis, Prince and Bill Evans. In 2003 he won the Europen Jazz Award “Hans Koller Preis” for the Best Europen Jazz Musician.

Matt Penman: Matt Penman, 29, hails from the verdant pastures of distant New Zealand where his love affair with improvised music was colored strongly by the constant bars of the nearby sheep paddock. Having had enough he voyaged to the US to attend Berklee and from there made his way to New York where he has been
resident since 1995. His time in the Big Apple has seen him record 2 co-ledprojects, Urbanism(ODE) and Flipside(Naxos) and his debut CD as a leader. The Unquiet(Fresh Sound Records) featuring Chris Cheek and Kurt Rosenwinkel, as well as about 40 other albums for various artists. With The Unquiet he earned his second
nomination for New Zealand Jazz Album of the Year.

BRIAN BLADE: Having spent his childhood in the American ‚Southern Badlands‘, Brian Blade grew up with the music of rock’n’roll, blues and gospel. Combined with his background in jazz, Brian Blade is just as comfortable with straight ahead R&B as he is with pop or jazz. Actually he plays in the band of Wayne Shorter, and beside that he plays with many different musicians like Norah Jones, Joni Mitchell and Daniel Lanois.


am Fr, 20.09.2024 um 18:00

Jubiläumausstellung | Heidi Falk-Koller | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt Jubiläumsausstellung: VON EINER DIE AUSZOG SICH EINE EIGENE WELT ZU MALEN
Vernissage, Ausstellung und Katalog-Präsentation von Heidi Falk-Koller am 20.September 2024 mit einleitenden Worten von LH Peter Kaiser.
Moderation: Ulli Sturm
Musik: Ramon Miles

„Die Kärntner Künstlerin Heidi Falk-Koller beschäftigt sich beruflich seit Langem mit Methoden der Lebensbewältigung, mit menschlichen Stärken und Schwächen. Diese Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen, denen sie mit Empirie und Spiritualität begegnet, übersetzt sie in Ihre Malerei und begibt sich mit immer neu gemalten Szenarien auf eine lustvolle Reise ins Unbekannte und Unterbewusste. Und weit - im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes - hat sie dieser Weg mit Ihrer Kunst auch schon gebracht, denn im Juni 2023 sind ihre Arbeiten - als eine von zwei Vertreter*innen der österreichischen Gegenwartsmalerei - im renommierten Archive Art Museum in Beijing, in China mit großem Erfolg zu sehen gewesen.
Eigenwillig und eindrucksvoll sind ihre expressiven Bilder, mit denen sie seit Jahren fantastische Geschichten rund um die menschliche Figur, um Wirklichkeit und Fiktion erzählt. Ihre Motive fordern die Betrachter*innen heraus sich auf Neues einzulassen und laden sie auf eine Reise voller Imagination und Emotion ein“. Ulli Sturm, kunstbüro kärnten.

Vernissage: 20.September 2024 18:00 Uhr
Dauer der Ausstellung: 21.-22-September 2024 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
am Sa, 28.09.2024 um 20:00

Drakula – Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, Klagenfurt Autor:innen / Avtorja: Yea (Tea Kovše and Yves Brägger)
Puppenanimation / Lutkovna animacija: Tea Kovše
Gesang, Sopran / Operno petje, soprano: Mateja Potočnik
Schauspiel, Technik und Licht / Igra, tehnika in luč: Yves Brägger
Bett und Rollstuhl / Postelja, invalidski voziček: Kamran Gharabaghi
Spezieller Dank / Hvala: Kristina Kovše & Dejan Stropnik
Fotocredit: Uroš Zavodnik
Reservierung/Rezervacije - Eintritt 20 €: oder +43 (0) 699 - 120 - 887 - 70
am Mi, 02.10.2024 um 19:30

“Begierde und Fahrerlaubnis” von Elfriede Jelinek | Birgit Fuchs | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt Bildstarkes und intensives Schauspiel einer Solokünstlerin.

Im Alleingang hat sich Birgit Fuchs dem wortgewaltigen und bisher kaum aufgeführten Werk “Begierde und Fahrerlaubnis” von Elfriede Jelinek intensiv gewidmet. Das Ergebnis ist ein eindringliches Solotheater mit performativen Elementen, das es ermöglicht einen Jelinektext über weibliche Lust und die Gedanken und Empfindungen einer Frau auf sich
wirken zu lassen.

Eintritt: Freiwillige Spende!!
Reservierungen per Email an und per SMS an +43 660 2303282

©Markus Plattner