MONDAY MUSIC SESSION – arrangiert von Philipp Zarfl

Datum: Mo, 19.03.2018 um 20:00
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: New Amsterdam Bar, Badgasse 7, Klagenfurt

SPECIAL Monday Music Session:
Lorenzo Bonucci,
Drums and Electronics
Alexander Jedig, Alto Sax | Philipp Zarfl, Doublebass
Eintritt: 7 € | KONSE-StudentInnen gratis

Eine Privatveranstaltung des Verein Innenhofkultur für Eingeladene.
Alle sind herzlich eingeladen.

Lorenzo Bonucci – Sundee Evening

I’m Lorenzo Bonucci, a drummer and composer from Cesena. I’ve always loved music, in particular jazz, and many musicians have inspired me throughout my career, such as the famous drummer Elvin Jones, the prestigious saxophonist John Coltrane and the innovative drummer and composer, Billy Hart. I have created this album because I want to express my music and my musical journey so far. I have written many songs, some of which are in this album; recently I’ve been experimenting with electronic systems and loop stations. ‚Home‘ is pure improvisation, using these new sounds and techniques with acoustic drums. I hope you enjoy this album as much as we enjoyed making it.

This trio play original music and standard jazz with personality, groove, intensity and ability to adapt everything in a contemporary way. The beautiful rhythm of the bass player, Philipp Zarfl, completely attached with the cymbals of the drummer, Lorenzo Bonucci, give life a new improvisation language and the tender voice of the saxophonist, Alexander Jedig, give maturity and musicality to our music.



am Mo, 24.02.2025 um 18:00

„low light use flash“ Karin Prevedel | Vernissage | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Die analoge Foto-Ausstellung "low light use flash" von Karin Prevedel zeigt Persönlichkeiten der Kulturszene aus Österreich.

Zur Eröffnung erwarten Euch kurze Performances von Anna Russegger, Daniel Bierdümpfl, Fudge Summer, Gizem Kus und Karin Prevedel, Reverend Stomp/Duo, Odysseas Manidakis, Stefan Bogensberger

Zum Ausklingen des Abends sind alle Musiker*innen zu einer Jam-Session eingeladen!

Für mehr Infos zur Person und Performances hineinklicken!