LanParty @ raj – 1. Stock

Datum: Sa, 25.03.2017 um 18:00
Veranstalter: Benjamin & Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: raj, Badgasse 7, Klagenfurt

Get ready for LAN!!!
Nrd-sprawl arranged a microLan @ RAJ.
Come and play or just drink and spectate.
Entry/Price: Spectators: Free | Gamers: 10 Euro

Unreal Turnament 2004
Half Life 1 Deathmatch
Quake 3 Instagib
Counterstrike 1.6
Warcraft 3
Starcraft 1
Blobby Volley
Doom 2
Command&Conquer Red Alert 2
what ever is on your harddrive

Since lanparties are almost forgotten in Klagenfurt, I decided to arrange a evening where people can meet, play games, drink, and socialize.We will also have a boardgame corner and a raspberry with retro console games. Please presubscribe to, if your want to bring your PC or you moms Laptop, so we can reserve a table and a lan-socket for you.

Spectators: Free
Gamers: 10 Euro

Spectators are genrally free of charge. A donation box will be around in case you want to buy me a coffee or beer for doing the organisation.
For consuming network, electricity and a warm place to play your games I have to charge 10 bugs.

Checklist for Gamers:

If you own Eth cables in various lenghts, bring the 2 logest.
A spare one for a gamer friend could be usefull.

CABLES AND ADAPTERS! Remember those little cables and adapters! Nearly every time I go to a LAN someone always has to borrow a DVI to VGA adaptor, or a CAT 6 cable. Everything is important especially those little cables and adapters.

POWER CABLES and Surge Strip. Your gaming device does not run on your 1337 skills it will need power. And your fully charged laptop battery will be dead very quickly under the load of your games, so bring the charger.

For enjoying game sounds pleas use your headphones.
We have a beamer hooked up to a spectator rig and speakers for music and stuff.

MONITOR/TV. We want to have space for as much gamers as possible so please do not bring your 6-screen setup. The most portable monitor that still fits your needs should do the job.

We have a list of games above, there is also a poll on the facebook eventpage of what games will be played. So make sure your system is up to date and the games and patches are installed as well.

No gaming rig?
We want to play all of the good old games, you dont need a high and gaming machine. Your mom’s laptop is enough.

No skill?
Luck or skill, a kill is a kill. It’s all about fun 😉


am Sa, 18.01.2025 um 14:00

ART-Pop Up Store & Heimwerker | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt Nach einer Reise in die Köpfe der Kärntner Jugend und ihre Dimensionen von Natur, Seele und Balance, was kommt danach?
Würden Sie vielleicht gerne ein kleines Stück davon mitnehmen?
Dafür präsentieren IWA Collective x Innenhofkultur einen Pop-Up Store!

Im Pop-Up Store könnt ihr Bilder, Schmuck, Kleidung, Merch und vieles mehr von den Künstlern der Ausstellung „Olta Zach 2.0: Natur, Seele und Balance“
Der Markt endet mit einem Auftritt von Heimwerker.
Eine einmalige Gelegenheit, die Künstler*innen der Ausstellung kennenzulernen und sie zu unterstützen!

Der Markt beginnt am Samstag 18.01 um 14:00 in der Villa For Forest
Heimwerker Band Konzert um 20:00 Uhr (Eintritt: freiwillige Spende!)

Wir sehen uns dort!