KORA Project by Giacomo Zanus – Villa For Forest

Datum: Do, 10.03.2022 um 19:30
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, Klagenfurt

Giorgio Pacorig (piano, rhodes, electronics)
Mattia Magatelli (doublebass)
Marco D'Orlando (drums)
Giacomo Zanus (guitars, electronics, composition)
KORA is a project born with the necessity to merge composition with (free) improvisation by working with different structures and languages.
Eintritt: 15€ | 8€ Studierende und unter 18
SUPPORTED by FOR FOREST - the voice for trees

The main project of the Italian guitarist and composer Giacomo Zanus brings together a group of four creative musicians, all based in the North-East of Italy and active in the jazz and experimental jazz scene.
KORA is a project born with the necessity to merge composition with (free) improvisation by working with different structures and languages.
The result is a honest and uncompromised approach to music itself without any kind of limits and pre-established boundaries.
The comminling of electronic and acoustic instruments represents the common thread of the musical flow, capable to take the listener through a large array of sound evocations and musical textures, from contemporary classical music to modern jazz, avant-garde and folk.
Dreamy „cinematographic“ melodies, songs, chamber composotions, sketches of sacred music alternate with sudden and radical improvisations, combining melody with abstraction, „rational“ instinct with unpredictable.

Foto Credits: Michele Scarpulla


am Sa, 11.01.2025 um 19:00

Neujahrsjazz im MMKK

MMKK, Burggasse 8, 9020 Klagenfurt Alle Jahre wieder: EXTRA3 - das Trio mit Karen Asatrian am Klavier, Michael Malicha am Kontrabass und Emil Krištof am Schlagzeug
heißen das Neue Jahr musikalisch willkommen. Für eine entspannte Atmosphäre im künstlerisch anregenden Ambiente des MMKK sorgt
diesmal Saxophonist und Flötist Wolfgang Puschnig. Davor empfiehlt sich ein Besuch der Ausstellung »real : abstrakt« mit Richard Kaplenig und Julian Taupe.
Willkommen! Dobrosošli! Benvenuti!
Eintritt: € 20,– (Vorverkauf im MMKK ab November 2024. Begrenztes Kartenkontingent!)