Home Run – Villa For Forest

Datum: Mo, 06.03.2023 um 20:00
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, Klagenfurt

Lenart Krečič-sax
Teo Collori-guitar
Tonč Feinig-Hammond organ
Gašper Bertoncelj-drums
Eintritt: € 22 | € 11
Reservierung/Info: office@innenhofkultur.at | +436602303282, +436769732222 | bevorzugt via SMS

The jazz scene in Slovenia has thoroughly changed over the last two decades. New great young musicians seem to be appearing on stages of clubs and halls. Virtuosos, artists, jazz enthusiasts. It has not been difficult to spot saxophonist Lenart Krečič among them for quite some time. With an exceptional tone on tenor, a wide knowledge of jazz and music in general (as well as physics and acoustics!), inventive and intelligent improvisation, and personal charisma, he is at the very top of jazz musicians in our country.

He invited three very interesting musicians to participate in the newly formed band Home Run. Each of them has a different musical history and approach. The result is their first album All Is Well, which merges into an exciting whole through songs, joint play and improvisation. The lion’s share of the compositions comes from under Lenart’s pen, although everyone is represented on the record. Thus, with interesting themes, sometimes virtuoso, sometimes blues guitar, hot Hammond, uncompromising swing, tenor sub tone and exceptional improvisations, the attentive listener will never be bored.

All Is Well. And it’s true. Slovenia is undoubtedly firmly anchored on the world jazz map. Also due to such musicians and records as it is now in front of us.

Home Run is a new band from Slovenia/Austria, and here´ s the new cd!

„This album is the perfect description of what Lenart´s music is about, showcasing his prowess in this art form“ – Alex Spiagin

„Enjoyed this album. The band Home Run inspires with fire in playing, beautiful sound, and catchy fun repertoire“ – Seamus Blake

„Check out Home Run´s new album All Is Well! Lenart´s playing is strong and swinging as always, and the whole band plays with mastery and confidence. Also contains a tribute to one of the great under-appreciated Texas tenor players, Arnett Cobb – what more can you ask for?!“ – Chris Potter


am Sa, 18.01.2025 um 14:00

ART-Pop Up Store & Heimwerker | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt Nach einer Reise in die Köpfe der Kärntner Jugend und ihre Dimensionen von Natur, Seele und Balance, was kommt danach?
Würden Sie vielleicht gerne ein kleines Stück davon mitnehmen?
Dafür präsentieren IWA Collective x Innenhofkultur einen Pop-Up Store!

Im Pop-Up Store könnt ihr Bilder, Schmuck, Kleidung, Merch und vieles mehr von den Künstlern der Ausstellung „Olta Zach 2.0: Natur, Seele und Balance“
Der Markt endet mit einem Auftritt von Heimwerker.
Eine einmalige Gelegenheit, die Künstler*innen der Ausstellung kennenzulernen und sie zu unterstützen!

Der Markt beginnt am Samstag 18.01 um 14:00 in der Villa For Forest
Heimwerker Band Konzert um 20:00 Uhr (Eintritt: freiwillige Spende!)

Wir sehen uns dort!