JAZZMATINEE_mit topmusikern aus slowenien !
foto igor lumpert_by Marjan Laznik
Igor Lumpert: tenor saxophone
Jani Moder: guitar
Blaž Jurjevčič: piano
Drago Gajo: drums
Nikola Matošič: double bass
einige Musikerinformationen:
A progressive tenor saxophonist and composer, born in Novo mesto in 1975, finishes the Linz konservatorium with honors and is invited by Reggie Workman, the ex-Coltrane bassist, to study at the distinguished New School University in New York, where he receives a scholarship and studies with George Garzone, Reggie Workman, Buster Williams and Billy Harper. He plays actively with eminent musicians, such as Andy Mckee, George Colligan, Vincente Archer, Jonathan Blake, Jacob Bro, Sonny Simmons, Boris Kozlov . His first CD „Innertextures“ was released in 2004 and presented on a european tour with Reggie Workman on the bass.
Drago Gajo is a Slovenian Jazz legend. He’s played and recorded with such Jazz greats as Woody Shaw, Sheila Jordan, Dusko Gojkovic, Peter Mihelich and Renato Chicco.
Drago is an independent jazz drummer and leader of the „Jazz Club Gajo Quartet“ and has performed at numerous Jazz Festivals throughout the world.
For more info, check out his website: www.jazzclubgajo.com
Nikola Matošič studied in Linz Konservatorium, is one of the most busiest double bass players in Slovenia and has played with many established jazz musicians: Lives and works in Ljubljana.