Funk Fu | Garten der Villa For Forest

Datum: Mo, 19.06.2023 um 20:00
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt

Tilen Gavranovič - guitar
Klara Veteršek - vocal
Blaž Avsenik - keyboards, production
Benjamin Foris - keyboards
Luka Taler - drums
Kajetan Kamenjašević - bass
Žan Cesar - trumpet
Miloš Kostar - saxophone
Matthias Bernsteiner - trombone
Eintritt: 19€|9€ Studierende und unter 18 J
RESERVIERUNGEN: +43 660 2303282 | + 43 676 9732222 |

Funk Fu is a band originally formed in Zasavje (Slovenia).They were formed in 2017 and eventually members from abroad joined (Austria, Hungary, Slovakia).The members are attending music academies in Klagenfurt, Graz and Ljubljana and perform funk, jazz and R’n’B music. The band consists of an extended rhythm section (piano, guitar, drum, bass), a brass section (trumpet, trombone and saxophone) main vocals and sometimes backing vocals. At first they started by playing covers of world hits, but then developed ideas for original music. As winners of the Slovenian competition ‚Imamo novo glasbo‘ in 2017, they recorded their first single ‚Obraz‘. They were also the winners of the ‚Radio Standouts 2021‘ competition on Radio Si Maribor (Mainstage). In 2020 they released two singles titled ‚Black Thoughts‘ and ‚Besede v C-molu‘. Funk Fu has collaborated with many young musicians, with Tilen Gavranovič (guitar) and Klara Veteršek (vocals) being the founding members and authors of most of the music and lyrics. The band has played numerous concerts at various venues and festivals in Slovenia, some of them being Lent, Čipkarija, Vinarium, Vičstock, Rdečli Revirji, Vierteltöne. In 2023 they are releasing their first album ‚It’s all fun and games‘.


heute um 14:00

ART-Pop Up Store & Heimwerker | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt Nach einer Reise in die Köpfe der Kärntner Jugend und ihre Dimensionen von Natur, Seele und Balance, was kommt danach?
Würden Sie vielleicht gerne ein kleines Stück davon mitnehmen?
Dafür präsentieren IWA Collective x Innenhofkultur einen Pop-Up Store!

Im Pop-Up Store könnt ihr Bilder, Schmuck, Kleidung, Merch und vieles mehr von den Künstlern der Ausstellung „Olta Zach 2.0: Natur, Seele und Balance“
Der Markt endet mit einem Auftritt von Heimwerker.
Eine einmalige Gelegenheit, die Künstler*innen der Ausstellung kennenzulernen und sie zu unterstützen!

Der Markt beginnt am Samstag 18.01 um 14:00 in der Villa For Forest
Heimwerker Band Konzert um 20:00 Uhr (Eintritt: freiwillige Spende!)

Wir sehen uns dort!