Datum: Do, 01.03.2007
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: cik@künstlerhaus.klagenfurt

Bilder: oben Middleton, unten Feinig

Tonc Feinig (A)-Hammond organ
Robert Jukic (SLO)-bass
Janko Novoselic (CRO)-drums
special guest:
Andy Middleton (USA)-sax

Das International Quartet ist vom 1. bis 7. März auf Tour und die erste Station ist das Künstlerhaus in Klagenfurt.
Tonc Feinig ist zur Zeit meist an der Hammond Orgel zu hören-so auch hier.
Robert Jukic wird nicht nur am Kontrabass sein Können beweisen, sondern auch als Komponist-seine Songs, mit welchen er schon Preise gewann, werden auch gespielt werden.
Janko Novoselic-in Graz studiert und mittlerweile in der Jazz-Szene etabliert, wird am Schlagzeug sein Klagenfurt-Debut geben, und das gleich mit einem Saxofonisten der Spitzenklasse-Andy Middleton!

Hierzulande ist Andy Middleton noch ein Geheimtipp, aber ein Blick auf seine bisherige Arbeit mit Dave Holland, Ralph Towner, Renee Rosnes, Kenny Wheeler, Lionel Hampton, Bob Mintzer, Randy Brecker, Maria Schneider, um nur einige zu nennen, lässt uns ein aussergewöhliches Konzert erwarten!

Hier noch detailierte info zu den Musikern:
has been garnering attention for years for his imaginative, sincere, lyrical and adventurous solos which never resort
to cliche or empty virtuosic display. Saxophone Journal writes that Middleton “is a great example of a ˘best kept secret˙, a wonderful, ingenious, melodic musician whose playing is often ˘under the radar˙ and under-recognized by the media”, while Jazz˙n More of Switzerland has noted
that “Each single tone comes from his heart”.
In recognition of his compositional acheivments Jazz Times has written that “Middleton … writes in a broadly euphonious harmonic language, with a natural tunefulness that engages the ear with exotic airs”,

Time Out New York has written that he is “an ace saxophonist, a generously skilled arranger and a socially dedicated artist”, while the New York Times hails Middleton as “an accomplished composer as well as a smart post-bop
tenor saxophonist.”

As a leader he has had the great pleasure to record
with jazz greats Dave Holland and Ralph Towner (Nomad˙s Notebook, Intuition Music and Media), Renee Rosnes (Terra Infirma, Owl/EMI France), Joey Calderazzo (Acid Rain, Owl/EMI France), and with Kenny Wheeler, Reinventing
the World (Intuition Music and Media), a lament to the world˙s threatened environment which firmly establishes Middleton as a musician of extraordinary sensitivity, ability and talent, both as a composer and a performer. He has also worked extensively as a sideman with the likes of
Lionel Hampton, Bob Mintzer, Randy Brecker and Maria Schneider, among many others. He has toured Europe widely, performing at many of the major jazz festivals and in clubs in almost every European country. Andy˙s book,
Melodic Improvising (Advance Music, 2005) is a guide/ play-along CD that offers many effective approaches to developing a strong sense of melodic invention. He was a regular contributor to Jazz Player and recorded an improvisation Masterclass CD for the Jan/ Feb 2002 issue of Saxophone Journal. As of September, 2006 Andy resettled in Vienna, Austria to teach Jazztheorie, Composition and Arranging at the Konservatorium Wien, the most
prestigious music school in Austria. Middleton is also a highly regarded jazz clinician, presenting workshops and performing as a guest artist and conductor throughout the United States and Europe. Middleton was awarded a highly prestigious composition grant from Chamber Music America’s New Works: Creation and Presentation Program in 2004, a National Endowment for the Arts Performance Grant in 1996, and grants from the Fund for US Artists at International Festivals in 1992, 1993, and 2003.

In the words of master saxophonist, composer and educator David Liebman: “Andy Middleton represents the best of a new generation of jazz musicians.”

Konservatorium in Klagenfurt, Master of Music in Den Haag.
Seit 2001 in Österreich, mittlerweile in Wien.
Fixe Formationen: Tonc Feinig Trio (mit Christian Salfellner und Robert Jukic) Fine Noise (Daniel Nösig-trumpet und Co-Leader, Dusan Novakov, Milan Nikolic, Miles Griffith-voice) Feinix (Peter Taucher-guitar, Hansi Rainer-bass, Thomas Käfel-drums) Radio-, Tv-, Theater- und Filmmusikproduktionen, Festivalauftritte und Tourneen in Italien, Slowenien, Deutschland, Kroatien, Holland, Schweiz, Österreich, sowie USA und Mexiko.
Cd´s: We`ll See und Bite (beide Tonc Feinig Quartet)
The Christmas Band: For You und Singing Christmas
Thesarah-Room for One
Caroline de Rooij-River
Zila-Gailtal: Filmmusik
Luka Udbinjac-Now And Beyond

Gespielt mit:
Brad Leali, Miles Griffith, Stjepko Gut, David Murray, Vito Leszak, Hubert Tubbs, Hans Salomon, Erich Bachträgl, Johannes Enders, Wolfgang Puschnig,
Ulrich Langthaler, Peter Kastner, Hansi Rainer, Stefan Thaler, Karl Sayer, Primus Sitter, Uros Rakovec, Christian Salfellner, Daniel Nösig, Michael Erian, Mario Vavti, Robert Jukic, Jure Pukl, Milan Nikolic, Nikola Matosic, Andjelko Stupar, Dusan Novakov, Ratko Divjak, Drago Gajo, Klemens Marktl,Thomas Käfel, Reinhardt Winkler, Thomas Kugi, Caroline de Rooij, Matilda Leko, Simone Kopmajer, Rachel Gould, Ines Reiger…

JANKO NOVOSELIC / Zagreb, CRO / drums
– 2006 Musikhochschule Graz:mit Auszeichnung abgeschlossenes Jazz Studium bei prof. Manfred Josel, prof. Gunther Meinhart, prof. Howard Curtis, prof. Wolfgang Tozzi;
– Workshops: Billy Hart, John Riley, Scott Latzky, John
Hollenbeck, Kruno Levacic, Jerry Bergonzi, John Thomas, Sigi Feigl, Elvis Stani, Evelyn Glennie, John Beck;
Auszeichnungen/Preise: Pula 2002,
Erster Preis Newcomer Fest Graz, 1.Preis Heineken Music Fest;
Gespielt/Zusammenarbeit mit: Miro Kadoi, Ivan Kapec, Ante Gelo, Sasa Nestorovi, Ladislav Fidri, Andrej Jakua, Bosko Petrovic, Mladen Barakovic, Matija Dedic, Blaz Jurcevcic, Domagoj Ralasic, Fritz Pauer, Adrienne West, Gaynel Hodge(The Platters), Arsen Dedic…

young Slovenian bassist, who started off with an electric-bass at age 14. After high school he switched to acoustic bass. He studied with Wayne Darling at the Jazz department of University for music and performing arts Graz where he got his Bachellors degree. He is
writting for and performing with his own as well as with other bands (Jure Pukl New Virus Quintet, Take the Duck, Fine Noise Band, Flip Phillip-Ed Partyka Dectet… ) Currently living in Ljubljana, Slovenia

He has attended workshops/had private lessons with: Niels Henning Orsted Pedersen, Reginald Workman, Thomas Knific, Marc Johnson, Renaud Garcia Fons, Arni Egilsson, Barre Phillips, Ron McClure, “Wade” Mikola, Mark Dresser,
Ewald Oberleitner, Billy Hart, Bill Elgart, George Cables, Renato Chicco, Bo˚ko Petrovi?, Damion Reed, Ron Carter, Eric Revis, Clarence Penn, Aaron Goldberg..
He has performed and recorded with many Slovenian and International artists such as: Martin Reiter, Jure Pukl, Klemens Marktl, Daniel Noesig, Pietro Iodice, Charlie Jurkovic, Miles Griffith, Karen Asatrian, Daniel Noesig,
Toine Thys, Lubos Sramek, Irina Karamarkovic, Igor Bezget, Ratko Divjak, Marco Quarantotto, Dusan Novakov, Simone Kopmajer, Kristina Oberıan, Andjelko Stupar, Christian Salfellner, Roland Wesp, Igor Lumpert, Ga˚per
Bertoncelj, Vesna Petkovi?, Aleksandra Tehovnik, Aljo˚a Jeri?, Dusko Goykovich, Drago Gajo, Peter Mihelich, Blaı Jurjev?i?, Daniele d`Agaro, Tony Pancella, Rob Bargad, Reinhard Winkler, Jani Moder, Howard Curtis, Generations 2006 International Youth Band, Roman Schwaller, Flip Phillip-Ed partyka Dectet…

Robert Jukic “how about that!?”,
Robert Jukic “phases of one”,
Jure Pukl Virus Quintet “the wizard”,
Jazz Club Gajo “live sessions 2004”,
Jazzon 2,
Jazzon 3,
Lara P. Jankovic “pred vami stojim gola”,
Andrej Srakar “baltazar”

He has also performed and recorded with many Slovenian pop-rock artists and groups: (Funk You, Nude, Mandragora, Rok´n´band, Anja Rupel, Peter Lov˚in, Tabu, …ank Rock…).

Festivals/clubs/venues: Gajo jazz club, Sax pub, Cankarjev dom (ljubljana), Udine jazz festival, Baladoor jazz festival Izola, Festival Krsko, Lent festival Maribor, Ifus festival – Novi Sad, Jazz Festival Novi Sad, Jazz fest Nis, Jazz Fest Valjevo, Sargfabrik, Jazzland, Sandra’s Salon, Porgy&Bess (Wien), BP club – Zagreb, Max club – Velenje, Jazz festival Ljubljana, JazzEtnoFunkyFestival Koper, Stockwerk – Graz,
Royal garden Jazz club Graz, Jazz Club Hannover, Gaumes Jazz Festival, Jazz festival Kosice, Jazz Prerov, Salzburg jazz festival and more


am Mi, 20.11.2024 um 08:00

NEW ADITS 2024 | Villa For Forest & Markuskirche (Altkatholische Kirche)

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, Klagenfurt NEW ADITS 2024 wird vom 20. bis 23. November 2024 stattfinden.
Hauptspielort: Villa For Forest
Aussenstelle: Markuskirche (Altkatholische Kirche)
Bitte klicken Sie die einzelnen acts für Detailinformationen an.

Eintritt (Je nach Ihrem/Deinem Budget):
4-Tagespass von € 70,- bis € 35,-
3-Tagespass von € 50,- bis € 25,-
2-Tagespass von € 40,- bis € 20,-
Tageskarte von € 20,- bis € 15,-

Reservierungen & Kartenkauf:
office@innenhofkultur.at, SMS, Whatsapp, +43 676 9732222,
+43 660 2303282, https://innenhofkultur.at/tickets-online-kaufen/
Zahlung auf AT532070600000128058