CUONG VU & Scratch, feat. Marc Ducret

Datum: Do, 28.10.2004
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt

Cuong Vu & Scratch w/ Marc Ducret (USA/F)

Cuong Vu_trumpet
Marc Ducret_guitar
Stomu Takeishi_e-bass
Ted Poor_drums

Cuong Vu gilt als der neue Shooting-Star der New Yorker Jazzszene.
Der gebülrtige Vietnamese gehört zur Band von Pat Metheny, begleitet Myra Melford, arbeitet mit Bobby Previte und anderen mehr.

„Free Funk meets Zen“: Auf diese Formel bringt Cuong Vu selbst seine musikalischen Umtriebe, die in der New Yorker Downtown-Szene begeistertes Echo ausgelöst haben und die er in seinem Projekt „Scratch“ wohl am bislang spektakulärsten auf den Punkt bringt: Dunkel schillernde, elektronisch erweiterte Soundflächen treffen auf rassige Grooves. Kein Wunder, dass neben Myra Melford, Bobby Previte und neuerdings sogar Pat Metheny auch Kollege Dave Douglas zu seinen Arbeitgebern und Fans zählt: Als Trompeter, der alles spielt, was er selbst nicht spielen könnte.

Cuong Vu biography
Cuong VuCuong Vu was six when his family left their home in Vietnam and moved to Seattle, Washington. When he was 11 his mother gave him a trumpet to satisfy his musical curiosities, which led to relentless practice sessions and eventually a scholarship to the New England Conservatory of Music.

While at NEC, Vu encountered saxophonist/composer Joe Maneri, who encouraged him to take a path that led into unknown regions that emphasize originality and personal concepts of what music is. For Cuong, this path included searching for his own sound by pushing the established sonority and role of the trumpet into areas that hadn’t been vastly explored, as well as finding new forms, textures, and approaches to every improvisation.

Though he received his BM in jazz studies, Vu was exposed to classical and post-modern classical music at the conservatory. He fell in love with the music of Beethoven, Schoenberg, Lutoslawski and Ligetí, to name a few. Embracing all of the music that has shaped him from childhood until now, Vu has funneled these influences, filtering them into a unique language and voice in both his playing and writing.

Vu now resides in New York. He is in demand as a sideman, yet is more recognized as a leader with his bands JACKhouse, Scratcher (featuring Holly Palmer), and VU-TET (featuring Jim Black, Curtis Hasselbring, Chris Speed and Stomu Takeishi). Recording and performances have included stints with Dave Douglas, Gerry Hemingway, Dougie Bowne, Bobby Previte, Mark Helias, Chris Speed, Andy Laster, Ken Schaphorst and Orange Then Blue.

Recently, Vu toured worldwide with the Pat Metheny Group, not only playing, but singing as well.


am Mi, 20.11.2024 um 08:00

NEW ADITS 2024 | Villa For Forest & Markuskirche (Altkatholische Kirche)

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, Klagenfurt NEW ADITS 2024 wird vom 20. bis 23. November 2024 stattfinden.
Hauptspielort: Villa For Forest
Aussenstelle: Markuskirche (Altkatholische Kirche)
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Eintritt (Je nach Ihrem/Deinem Budget):
4-Tagespass von € 70,- bis € 35,-
3-Tagespass von € 50,- bis € 25,-
2-Tagespass von € 40,- bis € 20,-
Tageskarte von € 20,- bis € 15,-

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