Absolute Candor | Villa For Forest

Datum: Mi, 04.09.2024 um 20:00
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt

Arsenije Krstić - piano
Matheus Jardim - drums
Tjan Šoštarič - doublebass
Blaž Švagan - tenor saxophone

Eintritt: 22 | 11€

„As players – and inherently fans of the music – we are always interested in searching for unique voices out there. Blaž Švagan is that refreshing identity that emerges once in a blue moon. After listening to Blaž’s record, Sound In Time, I was excited to hear his specific and unique articulation, and the fire, fierceness and energy in his sound. The songs on this record are passionate and tell a complete story from front to back. Gatekeepers: pay attention to Blaž.“ – Noah Preminger
Švagan’s debut album Sound in Time was recorded in January 2022 and released on Berlin-based AUT records in April 2023. It is a trans-cultural project full of fresh and modern musical concepts, flirting with the New York music scene, while also incorporating more Balkan melodic and rhythmic elements, structures. Italian vibraphonist Nazareno Caputo participates on the record, who was chosen as the artist’s „best debut album“ by the New York Jazz Times last year. Other internationally recognized musicians also participate in the album: Brazilian drummer Matheus Jardim (collaborated with Raul de Souza et al.), double bassist Miha Koren (Johnatan Kreisberg et al.) and trumpeter Boris Majcen (Dave Weckl et al.).
„Blaž is a strong composer and player. His interesting fresh ideas are pushing the music forward.“ – Joris Teepe
„Blaž shows incredible devotion and love for this music and he is constantly creative. This album is a great debut from a musician that is not willing to sacrifice his sincere musical voice!“ – Marko Churnchetz
„Equipped with tradition, flirting with the future and rooted in the moment are all ingredients that allow jazz and improvised music to evolve. Blaž demonstrates just that, adding a high level of musicianship, technique and the full spectrum of emotional maturity to his playing. Keep an eye on this cat as he will deliver much more!“ – Jure Pukl


am Sa, 01.03.2025 um 21:00

FASCHINGSPARTY – inspired by SOUND OF MUSIC | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt Es geht um die Angst vor dem Fremden, dem Ungesehenen, dem Unvorstellbaren und dem Ungehörten. Es geht um Anpassung, Annäherung und Zusammenhalt.
Wir laden Österreicher*innen ein, sich der Angst zu stellen, und wir laden Nicht-Österreicher*innen ein, diese Angst zu relativieren, bzw. Ihren Ängsten einen Ausdruck zu geben.
Kommt in Eurer brauchtümlichen Kleidung, wir sagen meist Tracht dazu, aber kommt, wenn es Euch genehm ist, verkleidet, wobei natürlich Unverkleidete auch herzlich willkommen sind.

Eintritt: 5 €
Willkommensgetränk, um BLAU zu werden, ist dabei.
Weltmusik on turntables von DJ Ludwig und DJ Mark