Hoppala Opera | Villa For Forest

Datum: Fr, 23.02.2024 um 20:00
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur & Teater Štrik
Ort: Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt

mit/z Natalie Krainer
Regie/Režija: Birgit Fuchs
Bühne & Kostüm/Scenografija & Kostum: Katarina Zalar
Produktion/Produkcija: Teater Štrik

Ein Konzert? Theater? Musetta die selbstbewusste Verführerin, Adele die fröhlich Naive, Pamina die Verlassene, Micaela die Kämpferin, Mimi die Hoffnungsvolle, Tosca die Flehende, Lauretta die Unschuldige. Beliebte Sopran-Arien werden mit Humor und Aufrichtigkeit verknüpft. Eine Frau,
die sucht, nach Worten, nach Möglichkeiten sich verständlich zu machen.

Koncert? Gledališče? Musetta je samozavestna zapeljivka, Adele vesela ter naivna, Pamina zapuščena, Micaela borka, Mimi upajoča, Tosca proseča in Lauretta nedolžna. Priljubljene sopranske arije so združene s humorjem in iskrenostjo na poti ženske v iskanju besed in načina, da bi jo razumeli in da bi se razumela tudi sama.

Eintritt / vstopnina: 18 € | 14 €
Reservierungen / Rezervacije: teater.strik@gmail.com | 0699 / 120 88770

(c) Patrick Connor Klopf


am Sa, 07.12.2024 um 20:00

Kema w/ Gian-Luca | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, 9020 Klagenfurt We’re thrilled to announce our next party on saturday Dec. 7th!
This time we take over Villa For Forest, a beautiful multi-room location that hosts regularly alternative cultural events such as exhibitions and concerts.
For this occasion we invited the viennese DJ & selector and good friend Gian-Luca. Since starting his journey in 2009 and moving to Vienna in 2011 to study music, he has been a driving force in the house music scene both as DJ and promoter. He quickly discovered his love for vinyl and has developed a unique style bridging various genres and decades.
Our resident Emma will get you warmed up.
We can’t wait to see you all & dance in a cozy athmosphere together.
Come as you are. Respect each other and your surroundings.

Entry: 10 EUR, tickets only at the door

Artwork @julian_es_punkt