KORA Project by Giacomo Zanus – Villa For Forest

Datum: Do, 10.03.2022 um 19:30
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, Klagenfurt

Giorgio Pacorig (piano, rhodes, electronics)
Mattia Magatelli (doublebass)
Marco D'Orlando (drums)
Giacomo Zanus (guitars, electronics, composition)
KORA is a project born with the necessity to merge composition with (free) improvisation by working with different structures and languages.
Eintritt: 15€ | 8€ Studierende und unter 18
SUPPORTED by FOR FOREST - the voice for trees

The main project of the Italian guitarist and composer Giacomo Zanus brings together a group of four creative musicians, all based in the North-East of Italy and active in the jazz and experimental jazz scene.
KORA is a project born with the necessity to merge composition with (free) improvisation by working with different structures and languages.
The result is a honest and uncompromised approach to music itself without any kind of limits and pre-established boundaries.
The comminling of electronic and acoustic instruments represents the common thread of the musical flow, capable to take the listener through a large array of sound evocations and musical textures, from contemporary classical music to modern jazz, avant-garde and folk.
Dreamy „cinematographic“ melodies, songs, chamber composotions, sketches of sacred music alternate with sudden and radical improvisations, combining melody with abstraction, „rational“ instinct with unpredictable.

Foto Credits: Michele Scarpulla


am So, 02.06.2024 um 17:00

EXTRA DRY – Ein musikalisch-kulinarisches Ereignis | Villa For Forest

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, Klagenfurt EXTRA DRY – Musik
verbindet europäische Musiktradition mit der Kunst der Improvisation.
– ist Vielstimmigkeit ohne Sentiment – armenisch, kärntnerisch, slowenisch, notiert und imaginiert – da Capo al Coda.
– macht Noten mit Köpfen und spielt Musik mit Zwischentönen.
Spontaneität, Spielwitz, Emotionalität und Virtuosität sind die musikalischen Markenzeichen des Trios.
EXTRA DRY – Kulinarik
Armenische Familie Asatrian (Schaschlik, Beilagen, Süßes)
Eintritt: 50,– (Musik | Getränk | Grill-Buffet)
Kartenreservierungen & Onlinekauf:
office@innenhofkultur.at | www.innenhofkultur.at | Telefon | SMS